Stop your bloating

Contact Marlene to find out what is triggering your stomach bloating. Most people, especially women, recognise that uncomfortable feeling when their stomach suddenly swells up like a balloon, often accompanied by stomach pain and flatulence. This may be triggered by, for example, eating the wrong kinds of food, stress or a number of other factors.…

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Beat the bloat this January

Still suffering from digestive disorders post festive season. Trying to understand and regulate your symptoms .  Help is at hand. Most people, especially women, recognise that uncomfortable feeling when their stomach suddenly swells up like a balloon, often accompanied by stomach pain and flatulence. This may be triggered by, for example, eating the wrong kinds…

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Feedback for Devon Allergy Clinic

It is always good to get feedback. The patients of the Devon Allergy Clinic are of all ages and diverse symptoms.  They have often been to the doctors and if not I always advocate they do, but with poor outcomes. I am often their last option.  With simple heathy dietary and life style changes outcomes…

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Thinking of going dairy-free?

Thinking of going dairy-free. The trouble with dairy It seems to be more and more common to hear that someone has a dairy allergy, lactose intolerance or has simply chosen to cut dairy out of their diet. Why is this? While milk has traditionally been a mainstay of the British diet (with the UK consuming…

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Digestive disorders and the bloat this January!

Still suffering from digestive disorders post festive season. Trying to understand and regulate your symptoms .  Help is at hand. Most people, especially women, recognise that uncomfortable feeling when their stomach suddenly swells up like a balloon, often accompanied by stomach pain and flatulence. This may be triggered by, for example, eating the wrong kinds…

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How to accommodate special diets during the holiday season.

How to accommodate special diets during the holiday season. The holiday season is upon us, which means plenty of gatherings that revolve around food. This can create anxiety for hosts and attendees alike, as food sensitivities and special diets seem to be more prevalent than ever. What is the etiquette regarding asking hosts to accommodate…

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MOOD ALTERING BACTERIA – INTRIGUING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE BRAIN/GUT AXIS In the past few years it has become public knowledge that gut microbiota can affect a wide range of physical conditions such as obesity,IBS & various allergies & food intolerance conditions. The latest research however shows that your gut bacteria can have a significant effect…

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Love You Gut Awareness Week

As part of “Love your gut awareness” Yakult are hosting a training day in London . Unfortunately I am unable to attend but I am a Member of the distinguished panel of experts. My interest in this is multi-disciplinary since as well as being an Allergist I am a Home Perentral Nutritional nurse. Gut flora…

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